Sharing a life that is: Creative- Passionate- Intuitive- Inspired- Fun.

Michelle Vara,
Is a nomad in art, actively obsessed to create in many genres, passionately contextualizing research information, with a Masters from University Plymouth in the UK. Vara is rooted in the reclaimed material movement, with a unique perspective gleaned from objects. She cares deeply for the environment and all its inhabitants.
Vara, over the last twenty-eight years, maintains a multi-faceted, well-tooled studio just outside Saratoga NY. She is always up to world travel, quality cuisine, interesting conversation, and new experiences.
For a full Bio please contact her office.
To learn more visit:
The Art Journal, where the artist speaks candidly about the work and the research in a current frame, creating the platform of context in her own words. The Art Journal is updated monthly.
The large Portfolio section gives flavor to the scope of Vara’s continually-expanding work.
All work is available for purchase or lease through the artist’s office which is open by appointment. Office: 518-587-8706