Artist Statement
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency & vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
My life is filled with reoccurring questions manifesting in a deluge of artistic output. One of these questions concerns the feeling of displacement, motivating my search for connections I find in the personalities of objects and materials. Questioning and searching stimulate my creative actions and further contemplations. Coining objects soothes the discomfort of extreme events in my life. Doing feeds and satiates my curiosity and provides a means of connecting and communicating ideas beyond myself, which these uncanny objects expose. The temperament of materials is accentuated in a dance of space, using line and color to connect emotion with the beauty of a balance discovered in the quiet of negative space and the security of the action of doing, which creates my being. Creating is magically prepared by technique, practice, and wisdom. My life-work is no straight line, yet a graph of time well experienced and practiced.
“Images that are true symbols … are the best possible expressions for something unknown…” – CG Jung