To be enlightened has many positive connotations and no negative ones. Therefore, you’d think that more people would pursue it—but they don’t. The first obstacle is the lack of a clear definition. What does it actually mean to be enlightened? The simplest definition, which would clear away a lot of confusion is “waking up.” To become enlightened is to move out of a state of confusion and conflict, anxiety and depression, or simply dull routine—whatever you associate with “being asleep.” –By Deepak Chopra, MD.
I have been in intense pursuit of understanding, awareness and enlightenment for as long as I can remember. With that said I think the last year has brought many things into focus and acceptance.
The real Aha—- has been my trip to England.
We three landed in Gatwick, outside of London and drove the Southern coast line. We visited every possible historic site and stayed at old village pubs; for the true feel of old England.

We woke every morning to a full English Breakfast, that would last the day. The only lengthy stay was three days, in Plymouth where the Mayflower sailed from.
One of days was filled with my MFA graduation and social events with my class mate and friend JP’s family.
Some points of interest that were visited:
Plymouth University, St. Michael of the Rock, Wild Horses, Sheep, Bulls, Chysauster Ancient Village, Stonehenge, #2 Stonehenge, Dunster Castel, the oldest recorded Jail,
Launceston Castle, Restormel Castle, St. Mawes Castle, Tintagel Castle, London Bridge, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Windsor Palace, Buckland Abbey,

I have been having WAY too much FUN and need more time to digest and create!
Now I’m headed back on the road to a wedding in Tennessee, so this is a quick update there is fresh art work to come.
As far as creativity is concerned:
I have carried the sculpture Embryo with me everywhere. I use photography as the medium, this alters perception, changing dimensions of space, place and depth- this significantly changes the metal sculpture process. when I photograph Embryo it is placed for context, message, or as a family member on vacation. Embryo Exposes- different situations and landscapes now to include England and Germany.
Through this last set of photographs, I noticed a different characteristic of the sculpture, Embryo has further exposed and communicated new to me metaphors and personality. I will expand on this line culminating a dialog in the future.
Moving this fast and trying to work has proven challenging. My personal commitment of filling six sketch books, with drawings and plans, a month, has been fulfilled.
But I’m now considering letting this personal requirement GO-!
When I get back to the Ballard Road Art Studio, I would like the opportunity to digest what I have experienced and thought, read my notes and the books that I have collected along the way- even more, I severely miss the studio and building sculpture. There has been a ten- foot by twenty-foot painting in the paint studio, half done, over six months. And let’s not forget the clients that have commissions waiting in the wings.

Never mind the life stuff that needs attention or maintaining like: family, friends, farm and household……..

It’s a good thing time is a perception – otherwise one might feel overwhelmed even in writing this-!
There’s so much more to say and show, some of which can be seen on my Facebook page and Instagram, and a small private party is being organized so if you want to be on the list and you who are always in attendance I look forward to catching up (Hugs) !
BUT for now I must say-
Chow’- thanks for visiting and I’ll be back with the next post in fifteen days!
Wishing you good health~ m