Greetings and welcome to February’s behind the scene.
This blog post dances the background information to thoughts ideas and progressions of my work. this also give me a place to revisit the note and rethink the information boiling down to what has inspired.
The current largest focus series is –
As I travel further down the road in the project Roadmantic – interesting and a giant read is Will Harper from Princeton University, his research will take quite a while to get through. more about that in next month.
Its a perfect time in the north to contemplate climate change as we have had a lot of gray strange weather patterns.

New Work-

Reaction to physical space and catastrophic change.

The painting Predictions, marks the overwhelming feelings of despair about our ecological situation, and stems from reading recent Hawkins predictions- scary stuff and backed by some other scientist that he works with, which extended into reading their research. In the last month the ecological reading has gotten to me and I really felt horrible, so I have allowed myself a break reading lighter stuff and one I LOVE LUCY before bed. Although the feelings inspired this series-
Black as a response, tauntaun with angst in ice, taunt climate in the dark. Feeling black – so black. Black has LOT to say, time– so little, Black. Black shows it all. Black -Is anyone listening. Still- Black, despair. Black -does anyone care. Black dRK OR LIGHT – Black pain and fright. Black is the tar on your hands. Black opportunity or chance. Black all the rage. Black center stage.

progressing – life is fragile, thinking: how we need to be aware, of how are existence is interconnected.
So for this piece the live rose pedal will change over time, the gambling cards: with their pull tabs, as the legs or pillars as the foundation, building on short sight- the architecture.

Paper & rose pedal.
Memory of life experience: the cowboy readying for the bull ride when you know he’s already hurt, what do you think the out come will be – the Gamble. why does he do it – ego -money -fame -culture. Into the black the pain.

Architecture of Ecological process

raw information: http://ostseis.anl.gov/guide/tarsands/

Angels are often depicted as benevolent celestial beings who act as intermediaries between God or Heaven and Earth. Isn’t that the perfect when thinking about our ecological crisis?
Triangles have been the reoccurring shape for the month, and haven’t had time to give to question it.
Wear-able Sculpture (jewelry) –
Data sheet – No.622J_Magdal

My intention is to spend time at the Athabasca oil sands (or tar sands) where large deposits of bitumen or extremely heavy crude oil, located in northeastern Alberta, Canada – roughly centered on the boomtown of Fort McMurray.

This is where I can become submerged in experience and atmosphere. I believe important to the process in tactile understanding, documentation and expansion of the work. -Relational
Ive been doing a lot of commercial videos, weddings and having a real blast at it because it so social and out of the head.
Video Art-
I am still working on the video piece on ecology, but it is moving slowly. I’m again investigating sound reactions, “frequency response” to find an alignment for the video. I started using the idea of crossing visual with sound, and tested a few times while in Berlin. – very interesting stuff and it did cause a riff for a few people, unfortunately for me drove the director of TransArt, crazy and put a lot of pressure on me. But- Moral of the story is- it did work and did cause a involuntary reaction in collaboration with visuals. By the way many other people reported praise, and further understanding of the depth of my work.
Information substantiating sound research –
The frequency of our brainwaves are measured in cycles per second (Hz). There are basically four states of your brainwaves. Brainwaves are measured with the help of an Electroencephalogram (EEG).The Solfeggio frequencies 852hz and 963hz blends perfectly in with everything. Ancient wisdom says that OM creates harmony and balance on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of being. • Gamma, 30 to 50 Hz
• Beta, 14 to 30 Hz
• Theta, 4 to 8 Hz
• Delta, 0.1 to 4 Hz
• Alpha, 8 to 14 Hz
Dr Alfred Tomatis, French scientist and ear specialist, have shown that high-frequency sounds from 5000 Hz to 8000 Hz (and above) can turbo charge the brain, revitalize the body and overcome learning problems.
Effects of Varying Audio Frequencies
on Reaction Time and Muscular Activity
Trever Williams, Tommy Esposito, Stephanie Hu,
Drew Mahoney, and Kelsey Paulson http://jass.neuro.wisc.edu/2014/01/603-group-10.pdf
This month I will be doing a series of hands on recycled material workshops in Lake Luzern NY: 2 categories: middle schoolers and high school.
I get so excited. The New Book- Open the cover and hear the crackle of first sight, like a fresh chicken egg that drops to a hot frying pan in the morning sun rise.
Just ordered the newly release of the book that i’ve been waiting for, linked here if your interested: David Smith: Collected Writings, Lectures, and Interviews
And if you like abstract expression I think you’ll love the book Zao Wou-Ki, Works, Writings, Interviews.
If you have questions, comments, purchase, or show requests- please feel free to contact me.