“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”
― Jalaluddin Rumi
This month for me has been not only exciting but extremely interesting- !
I must report that for the first time in seventeen years I have been
PAIN FREE and loving it!
The back story:
As many of you know I have been a passionate Horse Woman since childhood and maintained a professional, daily riding and event schedule. In 2000 I had a very traumatic accident. This accident was an attempt by a crazy person to take my life. The full story, novel like, long and intricate- I have been told it is very interesting. That story waits for another day’s writing.

This accident left me with the scars of a very poor diagnosis and in continuous physical pain. My walking and functioning in pain without assistance was better than the original diagnosis -ever- offered-!
I continually researched by way of meditating, reading, lectures, etc. in hopes of educating myself into a different way or reality.
This line of activity all stems from my father and through my experience, I can say: formative child rearing with intention of higher consciousness or good, becomes a subconscious reaction in problem solving when that child becomes an adult.
Gnosis, Gap in Sub Atomic Particles, Energy, Reality, Awareness, Consciousness, Mind, Healing, Infinite Possibility, Human Spirit, Soul – were all interests and curiosities that drove my research as an artist, before I became a student pursuing a degree in Masters in Fine Art.
I realize Soul and Spirit are two academic NO NO’s- but I can now say- Get Over It- its all language for format of communication and information exchange! I am not interested in what language is vogue. I am interested in the cosmic horizon of experience and constructs of infinite possibilities and communicating visually. Education is the sharing of information and vogue language detours thought.
Mathematical Equation:
U is = to C
E = mc2
My MFA is complete!
At this time I have gone back into researching human constructs.
If you have been following my personal muse (art work) over a long period of time; you could have seen there’s always been a common denominator of interest – Consciousness. I find the Human, Absolutely Amazing! I also find great interest in when humans come together as a group and support one another; for me this becomes cosmic intervention or the Magic of the Human being and one can witness astonishing changes – Healing. I realize that I’m not saying anything new- but I am experiencing it in my own human way and processing into visual art. Theses happenings sometimes called divine- have been recorded throughout time, Christ, Buddha, and all the many other prophets and healers, have shared stories and recipes for the Infinite possibilities of human Constructs or Smart Information Flow…..

I believe my healing is the manifestation of all the reading, research, people, information, practices, meditation and exercises I have been perusing and I am in great appreciation for all of it. At this junction the very important pair of books that I have read is Deepak Chopra’s and David Hawkins, as they gave evidence to subliminal understanding which has informed and or confirmed personal insight.
The reason:
I bring all of this up is not only to reference where the new art work stems from, but to Share in an uplifting way – how Endless, as if dark matter- the Possibilities of being Human are, and acknowledge Hope.
*Hope has carried me over the last seventeen years!

About the art:
No. 259 Evaluation of Consciousness
The sculpture Evaluation of Consciousness or reference number 259, is made from select repurposed material, referencing a pursuit of innate human knowledge or higher self. I have been in the search for understanding and digestion of these systems and ideas sometimes called Gnosticism. The sculpture Evaluation of Consciousness is primarily interested in connecting higher consciousness with material to reference The study and pursuit of inner human consciousness or knowledge. For me it is difficult to communicate in words, but I think currently well done by Dr. Deepack Chopra. He seems to cover all the bases including science and philosophy with a beautiful cadence of ease.
The sculpture is made with a solid sphere on a centered post with small plates as if levels:
The description of a sphere is a round solid figure, or its surface, with every point on its surface equidistant from its center. Or an area of activity, interest, or expertise; a section of society or an aspect of life distinguished and unified by a particular characteristic. IE: being human om pursuit of knowledge to become expanded.
The sphere is encapsulated with a shroud:
Shroud Definition:
1.a length of cloth or an enveloping garment in which a dead person is wrapped for burial. synonyms: winding sheet.
historical cerements “the shroud of Turin”
2.a thing that envelops or obscures something.
“a shroud of mist” synonyms: covering, cover, cloak, mantle, blanket, layer, cloud, veil “a shroud of mist”
Verb- 1. wrap or dress (a body) in a shroud for burial.
- cover or envelop so as to conceal from view.
Synonyms: cover, envelop, veil, cloak, blanket, screen, conceal, hide, mask, obscure;
literary enshroud.
The lines and shape of the shroud gives place to the rise of awareness, as if rungs of a ladder for one to travel- to, or from- ascension. It also contains, the complications or resistance to spiritual knowledge.
The box is common societal expectations that I placed on its corner spilling opening to offer opportunity for the experience of reaching to new personal heights.
Which sits on a typewriter desk from a man named Bob Roney who owned a bait shop in Albany NY. Roney was a World War Two- Veteran, who served with General Patten, and kept this desk as a keep sake which now serves as visual reference to growth and change across the table of communication.
The table also serves as formal structure (which is a word pay).
I finished the sculpture and photographed, I got to talk about the ideas and enjoy the freedom feeling of motorcycle riding around rain storms. Following a long meditation group session, we headed out on a ride back from Manchester Vermont over Rt.30 into Granville NY. On the flats before town, the Black clouds split open the downpour stopped to the ray of light- a gigantic electric rainbow appeared in a minute – the second rainbow showed up. Blazing with color, i could could see both beginning and end, touch the ground.
The rainbows carry much folk lore and I like to think of the event as a sign, so I worked up a few photographic combinations of things that visually contain my commentary of thought.
I leave for England and will be away until October so if you need something please contact my office and they will get word to me or you can write to me through the contact form of this web site.
I am extending my Gratitude and THANK YOU ~ goes out to All!
For moments of sharing kindness, compassion & stimulating conversations / debates!
I acknowledge even you- who have tortured me, as this has insisted; I look inside myself and stand firmly on my beliefs- releasing negative and reach around to kindness, compassion and healing! ~
The fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. —Twain or an asylum inmate this is still up as internet debate.
The readings completed for the month’s reference are as follows:
Carl Jung, Laws of Consciousness
Chinese Laws of Creativity
David Hawkins, Letting go- the Path to Surrender. And Healing and Recovery.
Deepak Chopra, You are the Universe; Discovering your Cosmic Self and Why it Matters.
Word play for this month’s title –
Glass- a hard, brittle substance, typically transparent or translucent, made by fusing sand with soda, lime, and sometimes other ingredients and cooling rapidly. It is used to make windows, drinking containers, and other articles.
Pane as in PAIN
Break as in Breakthrough – move- change- catastrophe- events that demand change,
I wish you all well and Thank you for following an artist’s crazy life adventure!
until we meet again ~mV