"Personally, I believe very much in values of savagery; I mean: instinct, passion, mood, violence, madness." Greetings: Thanks you for joining this blog as it marks yet another months change, inspirations, travel, ideas - I have so … [Read more...] about Working Fool – April
Blog- News- Press
Marching In
Greeting from the month of march- in like a lion, as I write its a buzzard..................... and yesterday we were out in tee shirts, "crazy"! -This month I have been chosen to show with curator Michael Haerteis for the year in: "Hope is Maybe" … [Read more...] about Marching In
Behind or in Front
Greetings and welcome to February's behind the scene. This blog post dances the background information to thoughts ideas and progressions of my work. this also give me a place to revisit the note and rethink the information boiling … [Read more...] about Behind or in Front
Late this Month
Welcome to the New Year and sorry I'm late with my updating the blog. There's a lot that's been happening so into the new work- The newest project series - ROADMANTIC I have been doing some commercial VIDEO (if your interested) … [Read more...] about Late this Month
Happy Holidays
Happy holidays ~may you enjoy the ride of the tide engulfed in the wave of love that lasts and excites you the entire year! My wish would be for Peace to be shared and experienced throughout the world ~m I have been really hoping this month like … [Read more...] about Happy Holidays
Crash Stumble and Shoot– Sparks –
And Back at it- I work on many veins at once, I have always - I guess- I will always. “~Life is a smorgasbord~” Artist mind space through sound. Enter here Click - Hazmat Modine - Everybody Loves You: … [Read more...] about Crash Stumble and Shoot– Sparks –
Artist TraVel to ENgLanD
To be enlightened has many positive connotations and no negative ones. Therefore, you’d think that more people would pursue it—but they don’t. The first obstacle is the lack of a clear definition. What does it actually mean to be enlightened? The … [Read more...] about Artist TraVel to ENgLanD
Breakthrough the Glass Pane
“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” ― Jalaluddin Rumi This month for me has been not only exciting but extremely interesting- ! I must report that for the first time in seventeen years I have been PAIN FREE and … [Read more...] about Breakthrough the Glass Pane