This artist exploration came in to being when the storm Sandy hit the coast of New Jersey and my home town Ortley Beach got wiped off the map! The tragic loss of friends’, homes, lively hoods and businesses, began my trip down memory lane.
These events made me think and connect to so many childhood formative experiences. This stimulated the newly created series of paintings and sculpture in retrospective to a people, lifestyle of the beach, ocean and boardwalk.
The story or line of thought for this piece-
11 years ago my father passed away. His last request was that we as a family make our last trek down the seacoast stopping at all the beaches, light houses, boardwalks and seaside communities, just as we did each year as children when my parents’ beach businesses season closed.
This trip not only ended up being emotional but magical-!
The bottle contents were acquired throughout the trip. The contents carry memories, emotion, and spirit. I assembled and chose them through meditation and chanting prayer. the upward piece is kinetic and moves.
the series has 7 completed pieces and 5 in the works I will post pictures as I go so please stop back. Thanks

- 716. Re’ (2013)