Detail of the compass in hand. Detail Detail of the mad and ship. Henry Hudson catalog “Henry Hudson and the Half Moon” Metal sculpture depicting Henry Hudson and his travels exploring
Henry Hudson & the Half Moon– 114″h x 72″d x 60″w on permanent display for Maritime Museum in Kingston NY.
The sculpture is made of reclaimed metal, depicting references to the historical story of Henry Hudson and his adventure.
His findings, his perseverance, the times and how he made things happen even through harsh adversity and successes. Over two years of research, I had been intrigued by the explorer called Henry Hudson. With this in mind, I became driven to capture the man and the history thru a sculpture. Henry Hudson is made from a years labor and handpicked re-claimed metal articles, welded together in a painted finish. The parts were chosen for their past life’s function tying the story together with connotations of things left behind and new beginnings. The existing shapes were also a strong consideration for the subliminal story told. Such as Bicycles as his breast lapels – Henry Hudson was driven by simple travel. His eyes made of ships rings. The hats brim the nuts and bolts of his operation his mind. The Map Stand is a crate portraying the merchandise he was to deliver. And so on.
June 2010 The ship was stolen
Over one year ago the Half Moon was stolen off Henry Hudsons Map in Kingston NY. Henry Hudson and the Half Moon sculpture was on display for the Arts Society of Kingston when the sculpture was robbed of the integral 18” Half Moon ship displayed on the map.
The police and I chased the piece around the area having been seen in an antique shop, an auction, and someone’s window, each time the piece disappeared again before someone got there it was disappointing and very exciting at the same time and in a way tied to exploration or Henry Hudson’s real adventures. There were many news articles on following the ship they can be looked up.
Now, Artist, Michelle Vara has re-made the ship and will be installing the sculpture on Thursday 17th at 1 pm, to be displayed at the Hudson River Maritime Museum, 50 Rondout Landing – Kingston, NY.
She also has made 2 ships available for purchase so that onlookers don’t have to steal the piece to openly enjoy in their own life.