When I came back to the studio from traveling cross country, the first pieces I made are silver jewelry, inspired by the Navajo Indian Katchina dolls.
The Kachina dolls are figures carved, typically from cottonwood root, by Hopi people to instruct the young and new brides about katsinas or katsinam, the immortal beings that bring rain, control other aspects of the natural world and society, and act as messengers between humans and the spirit world.[1]
With the Kachina Theory in mind, I asked: “could the object reveal itself as or reflect a connection to, the human and if so, what object would best represent that connection?”
This extends my ideas and line of thinking about objects and energy, so I through meditation tried to create a few pieces.
About my choice of object:
The Spoon: comes in contact with the mouth and saliva of an individual and is shared by their family and friends.
The person stirs and mixes in a circular motion.
The spoon holds liquid.
The spoon nourishes and creates in increments of measurement.
The spoon wears with time.
Now if the spoon had a memory what the story it would tell or the personality it would expose?