The gallery was full and turnout was better than good. The sounds of the room rocked the visual works 76 large, displayed diversity of individuality in art styles and techniques.
For this artist deliberate investigation of the subject Black and White is not one simple thing about color. Black and White becomes a forum of investigation far reaching, is it day or night, positive or negative, life or death, race, balance, good or evil, void of color. Color can be far reaching; touching on tradition, upbringing, idealism, socialism, world context, there is no one nature of Black and white. So an art show could be endlessly diverse in conversation and visual stimulation.
Monochrome color and black and white is what the show displayed except for the piece Interconnected that had raw red on it. The controversial pieces, B&W News Project is a collection of 3 TV pictures in monochrome blue, red, yellow, of the earlier style with drawings as the picture. The pieces in depth had much to say, and where more than interesting interpretation on world events. The quality and expertise of Tom O’Brien’s, Storm Child was evident and won first place. The pieces seemed grouped in similarity and the show was packed with pieces.