Queer (1) Intimacy of Visual Logic
Alchemy is a kind of philosophy: a kind of thinking that leads to a way of understanding. -Marcel Duchamp (2)
As an artist, I practice alchemy daily to expand the visual terrain. -Michelle Vara
This is a sample – to date this contemplative process has generated over 1200 pieces, not counting journal entries.
The Root of Re-Action
This project is a ruptured reaction that started in February 2017 with the review of a photograph called Arm Fuck, by Joel-Peter Witkin and snowballed from reaction to investigations of Landscape: Space-Time Figure: Relationship – Physicality – Reflection Force – Submission Reaction: Movement Sex – Slang Ethics – Truth Emotion: Primal – Fear – Hate Silence Sublime into connecting atrocities against human rights, taboos of sexuality, leaving me to investigate morality. Furthermore, me to question a Nation that empowers and allows ego to run wild like a spoiled child -ramped, and looks at kindness as weakness.
“The act of resistance should be joyous and irresistible.” (3)
For most of my upbringing, there was an intense focus on morality what it was and how one should live by it. From the beginning morality had shame connected to it that would become attached to your soul and follow an individual to their grave. My family was intense and tight having been from Italy and Catholic by decent. My father’s generation was the new generation-activist of the 60’s movement trying to open boundaries of the mind with extensive action and education. I am the first family sprout from that generation which means the residue of Extremes & Catholicism pops up.
The social and political environment we have experienced recently in the world around us has been an assault on what I believe is the morality of human rights.
The name of the photograph Arm Fuck, by Joel-Peter Witkin during this artistic investigation becomes the bigger picture metaphor, for this body of work called “Queer Intimacy of Visual Logic”.
Queer is used as a facet of diverse strange.
Artist Writing-
Arm Fuck
Arm in the Ass
Reaction appalled
And some say filling
A gay derby of indiscreet
A game
Pain – Pleasure
Who’s to gain
Arm fuck
What a shame.
Humanitarian senses violated
Visual senses vomit curiosity’s
Pain – Pleasure: old questions
All that is- is on your side.
distinguish core
become a bearer of good
fight for light.