A Tool for healing & transformation-
This project started with my feeling overwhelmed by politics, and media.
I began to notice, no one’s listening- not to themselves- not to friends -not to partners- not to family……..

Simultaneously -no one can hear, everyone’s talking at the same time- – it’s maddening – people can’t even hear themselves!
I realized the volume is so loud I can’t hear anymore, everyone’s divided- the static was driving me to feel anxious! with that, I thought what if I scream.
What would it feel like if everyone screamed in private, without media, not in a selfie, very real personal scream, would the tension of this life release?
My drawing process has been very cathartic and greatly helped me release the feeling of extreme pressure. The pressure of caring or being too sensitive to subjects like politics, Covid, social injustice, and plain being in a world, or even being human in a continuous connection to the phone or internet.
Is anyone listening?
Through drawing It came into my forefront of focus that everyone’s got ears and they are all different- just like opinions, making none of them bad – just different.
Did you know the only two things that grow through one’s life are the ears and nose – there’s a metaphor for you!
After a while, I went and re-read the picture “Der Schrei der Natur,” Nicknamed “the Scream”.
According to the artist Munch himself, The Scream was a picture he painted to represent his soul. … Munch explained that he painted a moment of existential crisis.
Interesting, “history repeating itself” – Metaphor once more!


Oil Painting
Painting= A Tool for healing & transformation- overcome the noise, with a practice of movement and color purging existential crisis.

Thank you for visiting – Feel free to contact me with questions or comments- MV