Artist Michelle Vara statement-
“I felt the anxiety of the current world climate. The doom and gloom linger like a rock, slung around the necks of so many. This makes me sad to watch, so I began to think what metaphors could I put together using discarded home objects (JUNK) and design to embody the Buddhist notion of growth, harmony, and joy. I then opted to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, during the welding and painting process. The paint is a handmade stain that keeps the scars of memory and past, visible while remembering nothing is perfect. The scars become sealed badges of honor in the fished piece. The process, became the embodiment of life’s conditions- to see obstacles as opportunities, as turning points, for developing our best qualities as human beings and moving into natural beauty which all of us carry inside.”
Sculpture No. 849_ “Floral N Hardy” -78” X 36”, Rescued metal welded in a handmade stain.
No. 850_ “Secret Garden” 78” X 46””, Reclaimed metal welded and finished in the handmade stain.

KaBloom- 24” X 20”, salvaged household metal, welded, finished in oil and pigment.
Hybrid Watercolor Paintings–
This technique is a crossing in short-run handmade oil-based printing and a watercolor painting.
Michelle Vara creates drawings from nature to make the short run printing plates and complete the compilation by fluid gestures in a watercolor painting on thick 11”x17” acid–free art paper.
Flowers are painted as a means to an emotional outlet in a dace between beauty and severity.
Each print is an individual with variations in line and color which adds to the beauty of owning a unique handmade print painting no two are the same.
Re-claimed metal finished in translucent hand made color and clear. size-12’x6′. Re-claimed metal finished in translucent hand made color and clear. size-12’x6′.
“GONE TO SEED” -Welded reclaimed metal, finished in translucent handmade color and clear. size-12’x6′.
TULIPS & BEES – upcycled metal welded and finished in a handmade stain. 5′ x 7.5’tall.
Study- Altered Photographs using color to explode expression as felt through the experience of flowers and nature.
“Dragonflies Love Flowers”. The artist spent long periods of time submerged in the dragonfly flower inquiry.
Oil Pastel on art paper.
Large Flowers made from reclaimed metal in an awareness program for the benefits of recycling.