Rabindranath’s writings – Book: Final Poems
Were translated into English by Wendy Barker & Saranindrath Tagore.
I found this so stimulating to think on-
The first intimation of this profound philosophical change in Rabindranath’s thinking can be traced to On My Birthday 20; here, he creates a remarkable image of language in process of losing its power of signification and sharply criticizes the view that language can uncover the nature of Being:

Metal sculpture detail.
Today I imagine the words of countless
Languages to be suddenly fetterless-
After long incarceration
In the fortress of grammar, suddenly up in rebellion.
Maddened by stamp-stamping
Of unmitigated regimented drilling.
They have jumped the constrains of sentence
To seek free expression in a world rid of intelligence,
Snapping the chains of sense in sarcasm
And ridicule of literary decorum.