I have now spent 2 weeks in NYC, the question multiple times was raised-
“How do you perform your technique being you don’t have a degree”.
Scholars who think all is learned in a controlled paid enviorment have appalled me.
This has left me to examine- Is it possible that a degree has blinded your free thought?
When you get a degree do you stop the quest for knowledge?
With that degree do you stop choosing/ thinking/ feeling for yourself?
To then be judged by the ones who don’t do!
I ponder and take online classes for the scholars to except me into their art world.
I flounder to maintain the time to create and feed my creative process and struggle with what I am told I should be in order to achieve success.
All of this to re-acquaint my identity-
I am my vast bulk of work.
My achievements.
My failures.
I am an Artist!
Look/ see/ feel the work.
I am an Artist!
Respect me.
I am an Artist.
React to the work.
I am an Artist.
My degree is My Work.
I am an Artist.
Whose art world is it really?
The one who lives it?
I am an Artist.