This month was guided by a happening of listening-
There was a conversation between an elder and a child, that I overheard while at breakfast with a friend.
The quote was “When Pigs Fly” an idiom which caused me to think…………. If you don’t know me that means, a spark for my process to begin again and then end in making!
I thought to myself what a horrible thing to say! I hope it doesn’t resonate with this young person- forever!
The idea that one has the audacity to dash dreams of another by implying that there’s no way an idea or thought is ever going to happen– all the while giving NO possibility for hope or chance! – felt wrong to me.
I started noticing how pigs are used in the everyday world.
I read about the animal, pink, fat, idioms and more.
I watched pigs interact.
The next succession of questions expanded to where is the light and fun in a life of believing that Pigs Could Never FLY?
I choose to believe in Flying pigs or things that are unusual events and opportunities- calling them for lack of another word Majic! Because in my world magic happens every day! Just saying life is a miracle in so many ways and I am thankful and appreciative of it!
The process evolved as it always does.
A friend asked an interesting question- “Why don’t you see more jokes or fun in high art? What do you think? how do you feel about high art? email me, I’d love, to hear from you.
Until next time wishing you a Happy Holidays and Good Cheer!